How to Increase Your Endurance Episode 24


How to Increase Your endurance? Last week I talked about being Overwhelmed. This week I want to talk about increasing your endurance. Do you ever wonder why it seems that some people seem to get so much done and yet you feel I would like to make it through the day? Why is that? Well to tell you the truth I have felt like that many times, when we get that worn out feeling it is very easy to just give up and quit. I myself have felt this way many times just as you have and everyone does at some point. As a matter of fact this week alone has been a tough week with deadlines that have been moved up for one reason or another. Sometimes we just wish there was at least an extra 5 hours in each day but I could really use 10. But unfortunately there is only 24 and you really should have at least an hour or two just for you at a min. You should also have a least 7-9 hours of sleep based on the National sleep Foundation. So this leaves with about 13 hours. Well if I work 10 hours a day on a full time job and I drive or should I say fight traffic 1 hr each way that leaves us about 1 hour each day to get something done. So how does a person get ahead well the first thing we like to do is to take away the little time for ourselves which is the one to two hours. This will give us at least 3 hours, but many say this is not enough. So we sacrifice our sleep and then we call this endurance but after a while we get burned out. Instead of enduring we have completely run out of gas. Our dreams and goals we determined will never happen. We then resort to saying that we are happy with the status quo, Above all else we envy anyone that is successful and feel they must have everything given to them or they stepped on someone to make it for their goal. My friends that is the furthest thing from the truth. You see that is someone who does not have a plan , Does not know how to say the word no and does not use their time to the best possible way to help increase their endurance to be able to work more effectively. We live in such a now society and if we can’t get what we want in thirty days we move on to the next big thing that can make us some money. Meanwhile you may stay unhappy because even if you do make good money you find that you hate it because it is not your passion as we talked about in a prior podcast, which I would encourage you to listen to by the way. Endurance simply means to stay the course. Yes you will have road blocks. Yes you will have days in which you will feel like you got little or nothing done. But when you stay the course you will also have days where you will get a lot done if you manage your time wisely. Over time you will be able to look back and say wow I finished writing that book, or wow I finished writing that online course, or wow I finished that leadership course online. As well as many more wow I got that done. Take advantage of the down time in the scenario I used earlier I waste two hours driving in traffic each day. What do you do listen to music talk radio, fight road rage or nothing at all. Well why not listen to the leadership or motivation podcasts. I have many that I listen to and I get a totally different message each day and I am trained but many great people each and every day like Michael Hyatt, Bruce Van Horne, Dan Miller, Ray Edwards, Cliff Ravenscraft, Daniel Lewis and many other great podcasters I learn everything from creating a podcast to enjoying my work to leading a successful and happy life. This is two hours a day of great training and I get to work each day in a good mood ready to start the day and then I get home in a good mood ready to finish the day. I work on my course creations a little at a time. I work on this podcast. I than still have time to teach two nights a week also. So as I do a little at time over time my endurance becomes better and better and I am actually able to get more done in a shorter amount of time. Yes there are days of stress but when you feed your soul and mind with a positive message during the down times than your priorities change and you make better decisions overall.  So stay the course my friend Rome was not built in a day and when you start your running the small distance first you will soon be running a full 10 mile marathon. Thank you for listening and follow us on Twitter or Facebook at Surging Forward. Until next time stay safe and Keep Surging Forward.

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