Episode 89 Seize The Opportunity

Seize the Opportunity

The opportunities are there you just need to seize them.  You can be successful in the trades based on the right choices you make.  You have to make choices of what you want to do to become successful.  Becoming successful is not always about money.  It is about being able to provide a great living for your family.  Success is about making a difference.  It is about being a leader. 

Leadership is not about power.  Often people in leadership think they deserve respect, but respect is earned.  Respect does not come automatically with a title.  As a leader you are there to make others look good.  You are there to bring others up.  Leadership is about servant-hood.

Seize the Opportunity ideas for those of you that want to go to the next level:

  • The Surging Forward website offers training to keep your license current and prep classes so that you can take your Master’s test.
  • The free Surging Forward App on Google Play offers over 60 hours of training and can readily be shared with friends.
  • Most companies offer training and some even offer mentor-ship programs. Check with your company and see what they offer.
  • A new program that is being launched by Paul Abernathy with the Electrical Code Academy. Paul has created a program for a Certified Master Electrical Code Professional (CMECP).  This certification will provide a formal process to be able to evaluate and identify individuals that have met a recognized standard. 
  • Kent Crook from KC Rhino that was interviewed on Episode 87 You Can Start Your Own Business.
  • Raj Guendoo just released his new book “Finding Home: A Journey of Overcoming Fear and Adversity to Finding Purpose.
  • John Maxwell – Motivational Leadership Speaker.

Many feel that leadership is unobtainable.  They feel that they cannot become a leader because they are not known.  Leaders are not born leaders.  They have to work hard.  Don’t just sit around waiting for an opportunity to come along.  Keep preparing yourself so that when an opportunity comes you are ready to seize it. 

Think about what it is that you want to do.  Figure out what it is going to take to get to that next level and then Seize the Opportunity so that You can Keep Surging Forward.

Here are some of the links to the sites I talk about in this Episode:

Electrical Code Academy

Certified Master Electrical Code Professional

KC Rhino

Raj Guendoo

John Maxwell

Enjoy and have a great week

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