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Conquer The Daily Grind Episode 17

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” – Tony Robins

Hello and welcome to the Surging Forward podcast where we are creating a positive you in a negative world. If this is your first time listening than welcome to the surging forward team. This is a show that provides workforce training and tips to help you excel as we continue to stay positive in this negative world. If you have any questions you would like to have address on this show drop us an email to, or go to our website at and click on the contacts button. Also thanks to all those listening on ITunes, Stitcher and Google play. If you enjoy this show please go ahead and subscribe as this helps in our ratings for reaching more people also you will get each new episode as it comes out. Remember you can go to the website at to listen to any past episodes or to review any of the episodes.

We are now on episode 17

Tip of the week

2 Chronicles 15:7

Don’t be weak and don’t give up, because you will get a reward for your good work!”

What does it take to Surge ahead and get out of the daily grind. You get up early in the morning and drive to work. You deal with the hectic traffic you barely get to work on time you work all day your boss tells you to stay a bit long. You than go to a part time job or maybe you’re taking a class. You get home its dark. You get up and do it all again is it worth it. The real question is not really is it worth it but do you know why you are doing it? Do you even know where you are going?  It seems that some people work very hard and are never satisfied while others work tiredly and never seem to get anywhere. The secret is a map yes those old ancient paper pack books that used to tell us where to go. I know today we use GPS but there is really no planning with the GPS you just punch in an address and behold you get the best route and the least amount of traffic right away. Wouldn’t that be great if we could do that with life? Well be careful what you wish for with the technology going the way it is I am sure someone is working on that somewhere. Before GPS maps where in a book you would have to first look up the address in the index find the right page number in the many paged book. Than find the right grid number. Than you would have to find where you live and plan the best route. Sounds like a lot of work right. Well after learning how to read and understand the map and the pages in the book it became easier over time. Well going back to our original question is it worth it? The better question is to ask where are you going and what is the goal. Most of you would never dream of waking up one day and just say I want to live here and point to a place anywhere in the country and then just hop it the car with no job lined up and worst yet no idea how to get there, yet so many people that work day to day do just that every day. If all your goal is to make more money so you can live week to week and once you make more money than you’ll be fine, than I have to be honest that is not the best strategy. At the very least the more money you make the more you will buy and the more debt you will incur and then you will have to make more money. So where does it end. It ends by making a plan. Looking at a map and by a map looking at your life. We have all heard about setting goals but very few people ever write them down let alone even bother to set them. It’s like we play this game of life without really looking at the rules. Well the great thing is that while there are rules in life most of the rules will help you to be able to achieve your goals. The first thing is to really ask yourself what to I want to do for society as a whole. Yes I said society in other words serve others. Now I know that many of you are asking well what about me, that is the quick answer what do I get out of it. You get to step a little closer to your goal each day and as you learn to help others they well help you reach your goal over time. Face your already doing it now in your Job or even if you have your own business you have many bosses ie customers. By asking yourself where you want to be in 2, or 10 years than you can start planning on how to achieve your goals. You will find that it is very hard to achieve your goals all by yourself and when you learn the art of serving than you may also start seeing your life actually will have more meaning than just a day to day grind. Hopefully you have been provided with something to think about that will challenge your life and in in the meantime. Don’t forget to give us a review on ITunes also check out our face book page and drop us a comment. You can email us at  Let me know how I can serve you better.  Until next week Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward

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Thankgiving Episode 16

Have you ever thought about who you are thankful too or what you are even thankful for join us today as we talk about Thanksgiving.

Hello and welcome to the Surging Forward podcast where we are creating a positive you in a negative world. If this is your first time listening than welcome to the surging forward team. This is a show that provides workforce training and tips to help you excel as we continue to stay positive in this negative world. If you have any questions you would like to have address on this show drop us an email to, or go to our website at and click on the contacts button.

  • Tip of the week People will love themselves. They will love money. They will talk about themselves and be proud. They will say wrong things about people. They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful. They will not keep anything holy.       2 Timothy 3:2

I did not realize until this week that thanksgiving was upon us. So I wanted to take a moment to share a facebook post that was posted on my personal page I have since posted on my Surging Forward face book page and it really gives us something to think about: Some thoughts as we enter the holiday season… It is important to remember that not everyone is surrounded by large wonderful families. Some of us have problems during the holidays and sometimes are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now. If I don’t see your name, I’ll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will! (You have to copy & paste this one, NO sharing) Be grateful.

 You see many time around the holidays we tend to be wanting to give so much and act as if we are giving so much but we are mostly concerned with the business of the holidays. Good grief thanksgiving has become a day to spend having that big dinner, it is almost forgotten about during thie busy season as we prep toward Christmas.  Don’t get me wrong I am a big Christmas Fan as well as a my wonderful wife. But lets take it one step at a time. We spend so much time about how we have so many things that we forget to comfort those that have lost a great deal in the past year or even during the past holidays which can cause the holidays to become even tougher. Take the time to encourage a friend this week, Maybe even invite someone over for dinner . Let them share so of the great times they had with a loved one that is no longer around any more but is with us in spirt. Sometme I think we get so caught up in the moment that we fail to see the issues going on right in front of us. The question you may ask is wow I did not know, why didn’t they say something. Well here is the answer they are but many don’t see it. Many times they say nothing verbally because they do not want to have pity or ruin your great time. It is up to us to make the first move a make a difference. That is where you are surging forward when you bring someone along with you. This year take the time to think about what you are thankful for and to whom you are thankful too. I am simply thankful that by Gods grace I am able to enjoy this time with some of my family and I hope that one day all the divisions in my own family will cease but it cant happen until we all learn to help on another and forgive the hurtful things that someone may have done. It takes two but it takes one to reach out.


Well that’s all for now I hope each of you have a great Thanksgiving this week and safe travels to all traveling. Give a positive word to somone that could really use it this  week and every week for that matter.  If you get a chance this busy week leave us a review on Itunes, stitcher or on the website, or drop us an email at  Let me know how I can serve you better.  Until next week Stay safe and keep surging forward and Have a very blessd thanksgiving

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Your Forgotten Dreams Episode 15

Have you forgotten why you do what you do?  Have you been beat down or are you just plain tired and want to know if it is all worth it, join us today as we talk about your forgotten Dreams.

Hello and welcome to the Surging Forward podcast where we are creating a positive you in a negative world. If this is your first time listening than welcome to the surging forward team. This is a show that provides workforce training and tips to help you excel as we continue to stay positive in this negative world. If you have any questions you would like to have address on this show drop us an email to, or go to our website at and click on the contacts button.

Tip of the week:     “He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lives a great street-sweeper who did his job well” Martin Luther King Jr

Thank you for the encouragement that everyone has given me concerning the podcast it is all about each of us helping one another to keep Surging Forward. This is episode number 15 and I am talking today about those forgotten dreams I was talking with a young man this week and they were so discouraged. I am not going to use his name as he asked me not to but he did tell me I could share with others since I told him he is not alone and that there is hope. You see he said he is always told how he is not doing a good enough job and that he will never amount to anything. Instead of giving the old simple encouragement of well just keeping working at it and walk away like so many do since sometime others struggles make us uncomfortable. I asked him a simple question. I asked him to tell me what his dreams were when he was younger. Though I tried not to show it his response literally shocked me. I have to confess at first I was at a loss. He never had given it much thought because he had been told the same thing when he was younger. So I simply rephrase and asked him if you could do anything what would it be. He explained that he wanted to simply learn how to be a carpenter so he could help fix the things around his mom’s home since she could not afford to pay someone. My response was simply, than go for it. I went on to let him know that we all face struggles and disappointments in life, but when you set your goals. I went on to explain than God has blessed each of us with different talents and passions for us and that is what we can lean us to keep Surging Forward. Now for those of you that are not spiritual you still have passions so stay with me.  I explained that any job you do with passion you will grow and eventually be good at or you will find the talent that you really do love in the process. It the tip of the day I stated the quote from Martin Luther King Jr which is worth stating again “He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lives a great street-sweeper who did his job well” Whatever you do you should do 100% yes I said 100% and not 110%. You see giving 110% is not really practicable. Since I am an electrician by trade. Let me explain it like this. If you run a motor at a 110% for to long it will burn out. We are not much different if you try and push over to much you can become discouraged and then just quit. Now I know some people such as athletes push way above limits but that is after a lot of training and can take years . It did not happen overnight. That is part of the problem as I went on to explain to my new friend, we look at others at want to be in there shoes overnight. I know we live in a microwave society where we can get instant gratification on our computers, but that does not work with our lives. You have to work your way up. There has to be a growth with experience before you can reach the top. If you reach the top of even get half way up without the experience or the proper training you will fall and it will not be pretty.  I encouraged him to continue to push on and keep learning, get the experience, and best of all do the best he can. You see my best is not your best. During my days as a foreman use to always keep working with my tools when I should have been planning work. I would always say that I would not have anyone do anything I would not do. I worked long hours so I expected the same. Some would get burned out others would worked with me would go longer even after I stopped. Does that make them better? No it does not. I was shocked to learn that one of my coworkers was having marital issues due to the long hours. It made me rethink out I looked at others. We are all at different points in our lives and we all have different abilities that come with strengths and yes even weakness. That is how we should learn toi carry one another and learn from one another. So the next time you are ready to belittle someone make sure you know their story first. The next time you see someone struggling reach out to help. It makes no different about race, color, sex, religion, disabilities, or any other reason out there we are all God’s creation and I say that with Love. I know many non-Christians who are much better at treating others than professed Christians are. So I ended our discussion by asking if he minded if I shared some of or talk on the podcast and he said fine but not to mention his name. I also assured him that there were many that had the same feelings he did but choose not to share, I also assure him that there are many out there that have worked from the ground up and overcome many struggles to get where they are today. Please feel free to leave a comment so others can be encouraged. It takes all of us to keep each other Surging Forward. What are your dreams? What were your dreams and how did you make them happen? I have heard so many stories from so many walks of life and I for one know this is what kept my faith in God strengthen my walk through many trials. So let me know by leaving a comment on our website at


Hopefully you have been provided with something to think about that will challenge your life and in the meantime. Also thanks to all those listening on ITunes, Stitcher and Google play. If you enjoy this show please go ahead and subscribe as this helps in our ratings for reaching more people also you will get each new episode as it comes out. Remember you can go to the website at to listen to any past episodes or to review any of the episodes Don’t forget to give us a review on ITunes also check out our face book page and drop us a comment. You can email us at  Let me know how I can serve you better.  Until next week Stay safe and keep surging forward

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Making The Right Choice Episode 14

Hello and welcome to the Surging Forward podcast where we are creating a positive you in a negative world. If this is your first time listening than welcome to the surging forward team. This is a show that provides workforce training and tips to help you excel as we continue to stay positive in this negative world. If you have any questions you would like to have address on this show drop us an email to, or go to our website at and click on the contacts button. Also thanks to all those listening on ITunes, Stitcher and Google play. If you enjoy this show please go ahead and subscribe as this helps in our ratings for reaching more people also you will get each new episode as it comes out. Remember you can go to the website at to listen to any past episodes or to review any of the episodes.

Tip of the week

Sometimes it is easier to just do nothing. But those that succeed at least do something.

Today I will be talking about making the right choice. This is episode 14

I was talking with a friend this week and with the elections coming up he told me that he does not plan to vote. Well that of course got me thinking, how many time do you just do feel like making a decision. I think many of us have been in those situations before. The question during those times that we need to always ask ourselves are:

  1. Do I have the ability to make the decision?
  2. If I don’t make a decision will it make a difference?
  3. If I do make a decision will it make a difference
  4. What if I just don’t know which is the right decision

Let’s talk about these for a moment.  The first thing we need to ask ourselves is: Do I have the ability to make the decision. We are confronted with this very thing every day on our jobs. In many cases there are certain things on our job that the decision is made for us and it really does not make a difference what we think it has already been decided. If you do have the ability to make the decision and need to make that decision but choose not to you could actually hurt the task at hand or worst yet cost the company you work for money in the long term or the short term. Sometimes you may need to get more facts. Other times the information you have is very limited. I have been watching the new show on TV call the designated survivor, and it is about a man who has been thrust into the presidency and now has to make life or death decision based on very little if no factual information. Thank fully most of us do not have to carry that heavy weight. So if you do have the ability to make a decision than you need to make a call. Not just put your head and the sand and hope it goes away.  The second question to ask is if I don’t make a decision will it make a difference. Well that goes without saying and is the same as the 3 question” If I do make a decision will it make a difference. You see the answer to both of these questions is a yes. If you have the ability to make a decision and do nothing than more than something will still happen. The problem is you may not like the outcome and it may be something you could have prevented from happening. The job may have been done quicker, someone may not have gotten hurt. Or whatever the outcome. And many times there are decisions that are plain made by faith because you just know deep down that it is the right thing to do. Also many times we just don’t have but two choices and neither one seems like the best choice.  Also it is easy to second guess why those in charge over us make decisions and we can always come up with a better idea. You may not have all the facts that the person in charge has and there is not enough time to go over the details again. The last on is number 4 What if I don’t know which is the right decisions. This is a tough one because though we want to get all the facts as possible to make a good decision sometimes the facts just are not there as on the time needed to make the choice at hand. This is the time when yes you still have to choice but you need to weigh the odds and go with the one that you think will cause the least amount of issues. Make the call and move on. My friends this is life not just on the job. I uploaded a post of face book this week for those that did not read it goes like this: Sometimes it is easier to just do nothing. But those that succeed at least do something. Choose today what you will do. So should my friend vote or not vote? What do you think? Tough call I know but the answer is pretty simple when you think about it. Not all of your decisions will be the best some may be wrong but either way you will grow and be able to make better decisions through life.

Hopefully you have been provided with something to think about that will challenge your life and in the mean time. Let me know your thoughts. Share on you face book and find out what your friends thoughts are, You may be surprised.   Don’t forget to give us a review on ITunes also check out our face book page and drop us a comment. You can email us at  Let me know how I can serve you better.  Until next week Stay Safe and Keep Surging Forward